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DJ von Shock - U
DJ / Producer / Remixer
Von Shock is an essential element in the ICU family. Von Shock encompasses his
diverse musical background
to rise as an electrifyingly versatile dance music producer, remixer and DJ. He uses his innovative progressive style on the turntables to
keep crowds begging for more. Von Shock is definitely a jetsetter traveling
around the world from Ibiza to Hawaii to play at some of the world’s most
elite super clubs. He is an Artist whose musical talent is spread across the
board allowing him to produce a diverse mix of dance tunes that appeal to
clubbers around the globe. Von Shock has produced tracks, which have been
remixed by some of the world’s top Artists from the famous UK’s Rockers
Hi-Fi to Kruder & Dorfmeister. Working with well-known songwriter Jean
Yves Ducornet has resulted in remix projects like Interlink, Orion’s Nebula
and remixes for Engelbert Humperdink and Marilyn Manson. Von Shock is also
endorsed by America’s popular energy drink Redbull, which is a statement
within itself. His DJ adventures
have seen him hit the decks besides some the world’s greats like Carl Cox,
Timo Maas and Paul Oakenfold. This DJ is a force to be reckoned with. Von
Shock has put his put his talent to the test in the studio to produce projects
used in notorious television shows and movies like “Sex in the City”,
“Angel”, “That’s Life”, and “The Specials”. He has several new
releases coming out on 12”, which will undoubtedly climb the dance charts
and keep clubbers hands in the air. “Cairo” is Von Shock’s new solo
project, a progressive piece that boasts a very catch tune.
The next year will bring many new tracks and remix projects from Von
Shock’s studio that will enhance any stereo. ICU continuous to holds a tight
schedule for Von Shock with him traveling to all sides of the globe.
Check out Von Shock's newest Video clip (click below)
>>Artist Request Form (click here)<<
For inquires, contact ICU Media, Inc. @: |
Ph: USA -
(323) 860 0650 |
C U M u s i c C D C o m p i l a t i o n s::
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